Best spiritual Energy Quotes in English to Help 2you

The Power of Spiritual Energy Quotes

It is a form of strength that emanates from the spiritual wellspring of faith, compassion and an understanding of the divine purpose. Such energy can be accessed through inspirational quotes, meditation, prayer, or mystical moments to help bring meaning, purpose, serenity, and motivation into an individual’s life.

Here are some of the finest collection of Spiritual Energy quotes by sages, philosophers, and spiritual leaders of the ages to help you feel more inspired, empowered and motivated on your spiritual path.

Importance of Spiritual Energy

Spiritual energy in turn adds lots of value into one’s life. Some of the key ones are:Some of the key ones are:

  • It reorients individuals to their ultimate calling and significance.
  • It reveals to us the divine or supernatural principle
  • It brings wisdom, clarity and focus
  • It provides unprecedented creativity and vision
  • It is used to treat emotional injuries and post-traumatic stress disorders
  • It promotes basic virtues and moral standards of the society.
  • It provides balance in all stages of life

Spiritual energy is vital in ensuring that one lives a healthy, moral and satisfactory life. The following quotes are not only heart touching but also explain the meaning and strength of the spiritual energy.

Uplifting Spiritual Energy Quotes

A quote that I like very much is the following: ‘’There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’’ – Albert Einstein

This profound quote by Einstein focuses on our capacity to remain impressed with existence, a very important factor in harnessing spiritual power.

‘Your visions will become clearer only when you can look into your own soul. Those who gaze at the world outside with their eyes open dream; those who stare at the world within do wake.’ – Carl Jung

Carl Jung emphasis on the need to look inward in an endeavor to get a vision, direction and spirituality in life. If we seek meaning in life elsewhere we only get mirages but true enlightenment comes within.

”I carry the winds, the deserts, the oceans, the stars and everything which has been created in this world, inside me We are all creations of the same creator and, therefore, possess the same soul.” – Paulo Coelho

This is a lyrical quote that celebrates the interrelatedness and interdependence of all creation beautifully penned down by the novelist Paulo Coelho. When we understand this fact, we have connected ourselves to the divine power that sustains us.

energy quotes
Sayings on Harnessing Spiritual Power for Development

It is in your sacred space that you can be yourself time and time again.” – Joseph Campbell

Campbell emphasizes on having the physical place to rest where people can find their spiritual truth of life over and over again. This leads to the continual spiritual development that is essential for every person.

‘You cannot conceive of consciousness without suffering. People will endure the most ridiculous things in order to avoid meeting their own psyche. One does not become enlightened through visions of light, but through the realization of the shadow.” Carl Gustav Jung

Jung here disposes a fundamental fact that requires one to embrace dirt and suffering rather than shy away from them if they harbor intentions of attaining spiritual evolution. If a person can embrace and accept the shadow, then they will be spiritually complete.

As it is said by Rumi “there is no ruin but has a treasure in it.”

This quote by the Persian Sufi poet Rumi encapsulates the concept of transformation and uplift through suffering and loss perfectly. According to the follwing quote, there is much to learn and discover where we hurt.

Inspiring sayings for spiritual strength

“You have to find the place within you that nothing is impossible.” – Deepak Chopra

Chopra’s thoughts help to persuade people to tune into the never ending inner capacity from which all things can arise including creativity, insight, joy and fulfillment.

The following are the quotations that I have read which I think reflect the improvement and challenges faced on the road to truth:

This motivational quote from Buddha reminds one on the need to persevere and remain focused on the path while at the same time outlining the fact that even the first steps no matter how small are important.

‘It is those things that are outside your control that do not have power over you. Know this and you will be strong.’ – Marcus Aurelius

The great Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius exposes the key to strength and stability – it lays within a man and in his mind, not in a situation.

List of 50 Encouraging and Soothing Quotes to Boost Your Spiritual Well-being

“There are moments in life when a person just needs to take a deep breath and sometimes between two breaths, a whole day may pass.”

This quote is a beautiful message to step back from the activities of the world and take time to breathe and calm our minds and souls through deep breathing.

‘The mind is like a fertile ground, the more it is cultivated the better it becomes.’ – Confucius

These few words encourage one to remain quiet so that they can hear their inner self, the voice of the heart and the voice of the spirit.

“The morning was charged with promise. Every second had something in store for her.” – Virginia Woolf

This optimistic quote from Woolf acts as an invigorating source of hope and anticipation of the exciting things hidden behind every hour of the day. It takes us back to feeling of a child and the ability to find joy in even the most mundane things.

Blessing Quotes to Encourage Spiritual Energy to Spread Kindness and Love

“I have just three things to teach: He then said “simplicity, patience, compassion – these are your greatest treasures.”

This is the profound truth that Lao Tzu taught, and the ultimate goals of the spiritual path are to be simple, patient, and compassionate. When the spirit is full, these qualities come out on their own.

Lao Tzu’s quote: ‘Kindness in words fosters confidence. Kindness in thoughts makes for depth. Kindness in a gift generates affection.’

Here in this quote Lao Tzu gives a prescription on the practice of love in all the things that renews and empowers us with confidence, wisdom and love.

Harold Kushner – “Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”

Rabbi Kushner’s advice brings us back to the simple lesson of being kind without specifying why, as it is the true nature of our soul. This purity elevates our vibrations.

Spiritual Energy Quotes to Help You Through Difficult Periods

It is quite true that the worst form of poverty one can ever imagine is poverty in the aspect of loneliness and the aspect of feeling as if no one loves them.

Mother Teresa enlightened people on one of the worst pains that many of us will ever endure – the loneliness. Her message is still that we need to use this opposite, that by deploying our spiritual reserves we must love and care for each other.

“The times of adversity promote the spiritual process And spiritual breakdown promotes consciousness.” – Lauren Brown West-Rosenthal

This inspiring quote expounds on the positive things of crises – they make one search for the best in him/her and foster progression to a higher level of consciousness and purpose.

“There is clear evidence that the spirit, just like the body, can be toned and exercised. As the physical body needs protein, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients, the spirit needs healthy food as well.” – James E. Faust

James E. Faust offers us a powerful insight: just as our physical form needs food to become healthy, strong and grow, so does our soul need feeding with care and practice.

Inspirational Words on the True Spirit and Spiritual Energy Acquisition

“The Higher Power is inside of me. It directs me and helps me view life through the lens of kindness.” – Louise Hay

Louise Hay speaking of her communications with higher power from within, through aligning to the higher self and intuition. This makes her graceful and sympathetic, and she becomes graceful and sympathetic.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

By flipping the paradigm, de Chardin expresses how we are simply soul energy with an ephemeral mortal existence. This realization opens up great spiritual energy one can harness.

“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here.” ~ Max Ehrmann

The following gorgeous line from Ehrmann’s piece Desiderata gives the audience the feeling of cosmic acceptance as children of the universe. This is the seed of infinite spiritual entity.

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